Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chapter 3 Time For Hunting

“Jasper. Em. You two want to go hunting, the jungle awaits?” ...Emmett slowed down and turned right. Jasper went left into a crouched position. And there’s mine, past the water pond, a very strong heartbeat. Boy, didn’t realize how thirsty I was. “Charge.”

We all hunted, two each of our own preferences— pampas deer, Chacoan peccaries, jaguars, pumas. We sat down on the hillside looking over part of the forest. Humans have a cigarette or slouch on the couch and watch TV after they eat; we talk and just listen to each other. I love my brothers. They have become my best friends, aside from the love of my life of course. They really have my best interest at heart. And they love my Bella. Well, my entire family does.

A very fitting video this one.