Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chapter 3 Time For Hunting

“Jasper. Em. You two want to go hunting, the jungle awaits?” ...Emmett slowed down and turned right. Jasper went left into a crouched position. And there’s mine, past the water pond, a very strong heartbeat. Boy, didn’t realize how thirsty I was. “Charge.”

We all hunted, two each of our own preferences— pampas deer, Chacoan peccaries, jaguars, pumas. We sat down on the hillside looking over part of the forest. Humans have a cigarette or slouch on the couch and watch TV after they eat; we talk and just listen to each other. I love my brothers. They have become my best friends, aside from the love of my life of course. They really have my best interest at heart. And they love my Bella. Well, my entire family does.

A very fitting video this one.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chapter 1 Time For Morning Glory

Her face glows hopefully due to my presence and contentment from her dreams. Her once dark brown hair is now completely as silver as her brows. Her eyes, if she were awake, would still display remnants of a darker brown, glassy, but still lit with her spark. She looked in the mirror then moved her eyes up at me in a moment of confusion. It seemed like a lifetime had gone by, I could even hear the clock ticking, when only seconds had passed. She touched the mirror in front of her then drew her hand back to her face to see if the reflection was real. She gracefully folded the left and right mirror to a close, closing a very long night goodbye.

This link is a You Tube Video of a time-lapsed video of a blue Morning Glory with some wonderful music for viewing and listening pleasure.

Chapter 2 Time for Makeover

“Ok, it’s your funeral, literally, I guess. Where shall me start, ‘Girl gone wild or Lady Chatterley?’”
"Maybe a little of both. I want a makeover, Alice. That’s where I want to start. The works. Everything from head to toe. My hair−some of the length, this gray has to go. Then I want to go shopping, these clothes Edward dresses me in− have to go. "

When you click on the link and get to the page, on the left a little ways down is the video of the song and lyrics you can watch.